Lolly Pop

Strangely enough... my life is so boring that I feel I need to share it with everyone else.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I actually got to see a bit of the march on Tuesday here in Melbourne. Although I had no desire to join the march, I was very impressed by the fact that so many people were passionate enough about the issue to march. Although I did try to stage a walk out at Patts (unsuccessfully I might add – the rest of the troops wouldn’t follow me. Perhaps I don’t have leadership qualities?!? Hmm… I’ll leave that reflection for another blog). But I felt some kind of admiration for these people who would risk getting fined or reprimanded at work to march for something they believe in.

And then I heard that the teachers were also taking the day off, and I could only snoan (mix between a snort and a groan). Having come through the horrendous public school system I am well aware of the way teachers will march at the drop of a hat. Or because someone took away the Nice biscuits in the staff room. No wonder there was as many girls in my year 12 class who were pregnant as there was that got into university (6).


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