Lolly Pop

Strangely enough... my life is so boring that I feel I need to share it with everyone else.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Hey Hey we're the Monkeys

I promised a harsher netball review this week due to the lack of posts about last weeks wrap up. But how do you complain about a 19 point win? Instead I will take the time to bag the off court antics of the team. New chick Carli put in a good effort to play last night - having gone home sick from work during the day but still putting in the effort for the netball team. Rumor has it that a previous wing defense, lets call her G, is hoping to make a come back for a memorial game. A challenge may be on - watch out on Sat night for the netball showdown. Prenda rocked up in the craziest skin tight rip off pants ever. I wasn't even aware that rip offs were made that tight - or that they have now been deemed socially acceptable wear. And while I am on the subject of Prenda - he came out with the big statement that he may be leaving the Monkeys to join another team. The Deakins team. However my sources tell me that the Deakins team lost their second game in a row last night, and to put it nicely are pretty much crap. They are all short, and no one can shoot - Banna was the best for the team (note this is not a bag of banna as he played really well when he filled in for the monkeys. If you do want to see a bag of banner please check out my other posts). I say Prenda, even tho I f*ing created you and you didn't even know about netball until I taught you, please feel free to join this Deakins team. Which by the way is called Slytherin (indicating that they are not only crap netballers but also geeks). You will come running back to the Monkeys after weeks of defeat - remember winners are grinners.

And a special shout out must go to Jonseey - an hour and half after the game started Jonseey saunters into the stadium. Just in time to join us for post match drinks in the attic they euphemistically call the "Club Lounge". Luckily for Jonseey the Monkeys had already pulled together for a win - the responsibility for a loss would have fallen squarely on his head, and would have been accompanied by numerous slanderous blogs and comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are one win away from knocking T.H.U.D off the top spot. That fat kid couldn't shoot them to victory last night.

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard a rumour that Jonesey was deliberately given the wrong schedule so he wouldn't hold back the monkeys. Poor bloke, just because he lacks coordination. Just another case of the Monkey elitist hierarchy out pushing hard working kids.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's with giving Banna a wrap?? Has he made you cake for this privelage??
And you can hardly pick on our defence for turning up in rip-offs when the other team's guys wear pink chicks tops!!!
Plus whats with THUD being on top?
1- we have as many points
2- we have a better percentage
3- they are a bunch of wankas who Smuggled into the country a fat cambodian midget to shoot for them and have a 6'4" over-grown troll as a mascot they call the 'ogmonster'!

11:38 AM  
Blogger Lolly said...

I categorically deny that Jonseey was given the wrong schedule. If so, it was not done by me.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But yet you do not deny any of the other accusations alleged...

12:14 PM  
Blogger Lolly said...

I also deny that the Monkeys have an elitist hierarchy agenda. Players who have left have done so of thier own valition, through injury or due to a lack of commitment on thier part. And in doing so have left the rest of the Monkeys in the lurch.

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am highly suspect of team Captains that bag out their team, don't ensure that all 'team members' have up to date scheduling information and maintain that the departing players (whom have fortuitously been the weaker ones) have not been the subject of an insidious plot to remove them.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Joneseey said...

Top win last night team, next week i will try and join you! For a moment last night i entertained the thought "gee everyone is here early.." although I was a little suspect with the beers being knocked back in the Club Bar, and finally realised something was up as thommo was in attendance before the end of the 1st quarter. I was a little relieved it wasn't my mis-reading of the fixture, although i am regretting my remarks a couple of weeks ago - "hell no i don't need another fixture, i have this trusty one already".

and for the record i am highly suspect of gutless shit-stirring freaks who are too afraid to reveal their identity..

that ladder is a crock tho, tell me how 8 wins + 3 losses = 12 played?? We are number 1, minor technical glitches aside.

so see you all next week at 9.40?

1:44 PM  
Blogger Lolly said...

9 pm next week Jonseey - can arrange a lift for you if needed. Also admire the fact you are willing to put your name to your comment - unlike other gutless people who hide behind the thin veil of the "anonymous" post.

To "anonymous" who is highly suspect of this team Captain, I maintain my innocence throughout the whole Jonseeygate saga. As for bagging out team members - the only member who really got bagged is Prenda. Who deserves it for his willingness to change teams at the drop of a hat. And if Prenda makes the decision to play with the Harry Potter netball geeks I am sure that all the Monkeys will wish him well. And then laugh at him cos his team is slithering down the ladder. All others who have been bagged are no longer Monkey players and therefor no longer able to shield behind the immunity that team membership provides. And if they don't like this or want to complain - I suggest they start their own website.

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A previous wing defence, lets call her G" coming back for a memorial game? I wasn't aware that G had either left the team or had to pull out due to injury, as apparently that's the only way people depart the monkeys.

No-one else got bagged? Maybe not, but the scapegoat Jonesey was ready to be sent to the firing squad in the event of a monkey loss. Typical of a captain that won't take any responsibility.

As for my remaining anonymous, I chose to do so for my personal safety.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or maybe you choose to remain anonymous as your real name evokes an inherant distrust and lack of respect!

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't get me started on you "Chuck" - if that's your real name.

3:03 PM  
Blogger Joneseey said...

Using words such as "elitist hierarchy", "fortuitously" and "insidious", this jealous outsider could only be some kind of Arts graduate..

3:27 PM  
Blogger Lolly said...

G did not pay her registration as she was not able to play for the whole season. Therefor she would not qualify to play finals. Through much effort on behalf of myself and others a new player was found who was willing to play and had paid registration. Unfortunately we were unaware that "anonymous" believed we should forfeit our opportunity to have 7 qualified players and thus a grand final position in order to keep G happy. G who had not made the financial commitment to the team like the rest of us.

Of course the scapegoat Jonesey was ready to be sent to the firing squad in the event of a monkey loss. As any Monkey would expect when the team doesn't win - you have to take your share of the blame. In our last loss to THUD I was off the court for 4 mins getting my fingers taped - I thus feel personally responsible for that loss. Is this typical of a captain that won't take any responsibility? I am also responsible for a team who had a 19 point win last night, is currently in second place and look to have a grand final to play in 4 weeks time. If you step on some toes along the way, if some g-strings get in a twist - well that's netball my friend.

For your personal safety I recommend you stay off the netball court.

3:29 PM  
Blogger Lolly said...

what the??

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whilst I do not want to get in the middle of any unresolved issues you boys may have, nobody has a go at my fellow netbrawler on my watch. Stand down Banna.

5:41 PM  

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