Lolly Pop

Strangely enough... my life is so boring that I feel I need to share it with everyone else.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Blah Blah Blah

Well it seems as though yesterdays blog stirred up a bit of controversy. Homosexual tendencies from both Banner and Charlie (I find the later quite disturbing). Accusations of misleading netball fixtures. G-strings in a twist. I was a little disappointed that nobody came to the defense of my netball captaincy - is it possible that I am not a popular as I think I am?

Top 5 things that have pissed me off today.
1. A fat guy bumped into me trying to get past in the coffee line this morning. If you are fat you should accept the fact you must wait until a reasonable space is clear before you move. Skinny people do not want to be bumped by your stomach.

2. I ate a chocolate jam donut like a fat pig and now have eaters remorse. I am a jenny-bag-o-donuts.

3. My brother is home sick and I had to go to work. And when I got into work this morning there were only work related emails waiting for me.

4. My office is far too cold. My complaints and whingeing about the air conditioning has fallen on deaf ears.

5. The mainstream media has not cottoned on to the fact that Shapelle Corby has lost no weight, and are giving this startling revelation no press coverage.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least you are not working in an office with literally 7 people today, but 3 seperate lunches going on. I want to go to none, but am expected to go to all 3 or else I am not a team player which will not reflect well on my upcoming review (according to the organisers). Ah, the abuse of power these people have.

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am quite offended that only Charlie's "homosexual tendencies" disturbed you.

12:42 PM  
Blogger Lolly said...

I kinda just assumed that the fungus five was similar to the Queer Eye boys. Instead of making straight guys cool you tried to turn them gay and geeky!

PS. Are you making a cake tonight??

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably not considering my wrist was crushed in the lift on the way down to lunch.

Normally waving my arm in front of the sensor while the door is closing is sufficient for the freakin' machine to register that some object is in the way, but NO! This lift not only clamped my arm in a vice like grip but it was so hard that i couldn't get it out to push the button to reopen the door.

Much to the amusement of onlookers and collegues.

So, no. No cake for you.

3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that someone is having a wing defense like whinge that they are injured.

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What courses did you do at Uni Charlie?

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous - you better hope neither Tim nor Aideen read your fighting words regarding said WD injuries. Tim will especially be angry at you for not emailling it to said WD before posting it.

4:08 PM  
Blogger Lolly said...

How quickly this has turned into a Shaz like "no you are the fag" fest. All I was trying to do was create a semi-controversial blog that bagged fat people, shapelle corby and crap netballers. And traitors Prenda. I haven't forgotten you.

Jane - luckily those two are not aware of this blog. Or quite possibly are and are currently get a court order to get it shut down due to slander.

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just so it doesn't come as a shock to my fellow name disclosers, I plan to randomly accuse other people of being said annoynomous after a few on Saturday night.

5:08 PM  
Blogger Lolly said...

Jano - cannot wait until sat night!!

5:51 PM  
Blogger Joneseey said...

wow today was a little negative wasn't it!! i've haven't seen so much anger, frustration and abuse since nes last proposed a goodbye dinner!

although that was quite a funny little anecdote about banner crushing his hand in the lift. i've always wondered if that could happen. i guess you should be glad that it didn't get stuck further in and leave your hand on level 12 whilst whisking you to the ground floor. i've also wondered what would happen in that case, whether you would get sucked further into the door or if your hand would rip clean off.. hmmm.. any input from experts on this topic would be much appreciated.

anyone see mythbusters on monday night when buster got to freefall down 10 floors in an elevator? again banner i think you should count yourself lucky.

i see a healthy compo claim coming up here. banner have you asked them to install head rests in the toilet cubicle so you can have a snooze between court sessions?

6:17 PM  

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