What is Christmas all about?
Is it about spending time with family and friends? About goodwill to all mankind? The birth of Jesus Christ?
Here is another type of Christmas tale for you. The tale of Banner. Banner, who tried so hard all year to impress at the firm. Always wore matching cuff links, worked tirelessly until all hours of the morning, and performed in what was heralded as the “best ever AC review performance” far and wide. And what does young Banner do at Christmas?
Banner gets drunk, punches a superior, pashes an underling, throws up in a partner’s house in Toorak, wakes up in all his clothes (including shoes) with a shirt covered in vomit, and then gets into work late the next day.
I think here we find the true meaning of Christmas. To get shit-faced and act like the dick you’ve been trying to suppress all year.