Lolly Pop

Strangely enough... my life is so boring that I feel I need to share it with everyone else.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye 2006

So 2006 has been a big year. It has been the year of my quarter life crisis (turning 25 for the second time will do that to you). It has been the year that all my plans went astray due to a certain leg being broken in two places. It has been the year I finally moved out of home, and possibly the year that I grew up.

So in true NYE tradition I am going to make some resolutions that I probably wont keep, but will feel better heading into tonight for having made them.....

1) I will lose 5 kilos
2) I will not say no cos I am scared
3) I will only say yes to the things I actually want to do
4) I will save some money
5) I will choose what I do carefully and give everything I choose 100%
6) I will stop being such a control freak

and most important of all

In 2007 I will take over the world (one website at a time).

Thursday, December 28, 2006


I promised ES2 that if she came through for me with some vegemite for this lacrosse tournament I am helping organise, she would have a blog dedicated all to her. And at this moment there are 15 boxes of vegemite sitting in my hall way, so Emily, this one is for you. (and by the way I love that fact that I can now use having a blog entry written about you as a way to blackmail my friends into doing what I want).

I first met Em on my 2nd interview at Patts. I clearly remember her walking past, and asking if I had been looked after. To which I politely replied, yes thank you I am waiting to see Anthony. Unfortunately she remembers this a little differently, with me “lounging” (her words) all over reception, and when she talked to me I replied in a snooty voice “I’m fine”. Luckily, we managed to get past this first encounter, although once I did get the job she didn’t take me to lunch on my first day. Possibly still upset from my snooty I’m fine in reception.

Emily is really my own personal Tony Robins. I am always complaining to Em about my life, job, personal trainer, boyfriend (no, never boyfriend, love you Charlie), friends, parents etc. And no matter what the problem I pose to her, she always comes back with a well thought out solution. I had to be the Tony Robins to another friend on Friday, and I tell you everything I learned I learned from Em.

So - Ems desire to have her own blog written has inspired me to come up with a new concept. I am going to do the offical ESS Friend of the Week Award. So basically I will let you know about one friend who has done something awesome for me that week. But because I am lazy and blog so sporatically it will prob be Friend of the Month. So ESS - 1st offical Friend of the Week/Month. You rock!!!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I have a theory.......well 2 actually

People who have kids feel like they need to inflict the shit they have to deal with everyday on the rest of us, and that is why they take thier kids shopping with them.


No women really like cricket. The only ones who do like cricket are desperate for attention, so they get into the cricket cos they know the normal girls wont. And PS - Boonie and Beefy are shit.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Don't tell my mother I'm in advertising. She thinks I play piano in a whore house.

Everybody I know complains about their job. I don’t actually know anyone who I have heard say “I love my job”. Its either a jerk of a boss, incompetent colleagues, lack of pay, lack of respect, too much work, not enough work, the HR department sucks (this I find quite funny), too much stress, not enough responsibility. I also fall into this department as I suffer from many of the above ailments and am not afraid to moan about it.

I am one of those people who always has a “honeymoon” period with a job. The first 6 month I usually like, probably because I believe the crap they feed me about ‘big things’ in my future. However, once I turn (and the turn is inevitable) I am so over the job that it is painful for those around me. I have been over my current job now for a good 5 months – I really should have left already. And the reason I haven’t? Money. Correct – I am a sell out. I told my boss I wanted to quit, her solution –throw cash at me. And what did I do? I took it and went away – and the money makes me feel guilty, like I can’t complain anymore. Which if you know me is a very hard thing.

So I know that there are a lot of crappy jobs out there (animal masturbator, teacher etc), but I seriously think that working in advertising should be up there with crappy jobs. Why do I think advertising is one of the worst jobs?

1. You are always in the wrong. Doesn’t matter if an airline pilot gets drunk, hoped up on goofballs, and then crashes into your client’s billboard. It is your fault – why did you put the billboard there in the first place?

2. You are always too expensive. It doesn’t matter if you are charging them $50, they automatically assume that $35 of it is going towards a lunch, and their work costs $15. When really their work costs $45 and you are already worried about how you will explain the lack of mark up to finance at JCR time.

3. You are a massive sell out. See money story above. Also, everyone who works in advertising is a sell out in some way. They either wanted to be a writer, or an artist, or a philosopher. But unfortunately the arts degree didn’t count for that much, and you really do need money to act better than everyone else.

4. Shmoozing. Not only your client, but every other client the agency has. No matter what you feel like, when you walk past that dude in a suit in reception you suddenly get very peppy. Not only do you suck up to clients, you need to suck up to other staff members. The creatives whose fantastic (read tired and blasé) ideas you must sell. The suits, who all believe they are the most important. Production, so they will give you 5 minutes of their time, that is if you stalk them and catch them on their way out of the elevator and bribe them with a double latte.

5. You can get fired at any time. Without notice, without pay, without any compassion. Thanks for coming, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. “However we did write you a really good reference”.

6. Everyone thinks it’s a really cool job. So, yes I do go to a lot of parties and events, and yes I get free products. But don’t you people read – I sold my soul for this. New Motorola phone, but no personal integrity. And I have to hang out with a bunch of people who think they are the coolest people on earth – everyday. That is what is so bad about it – they think it is cool, and don’t seem to realize they too are sellouts. If a sellout is bad, a sellout who doesn’t realize their status is worse.

If I wasn’t so lazy and apathetic I would write a Jerry MacGuire style mission statement. But I don’t have time – I have a media Christmas party to go to.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I dont like getting spanked!!

Firstly, about the title of this blog. No, it is not a sexual thing (in that case I like to do the spanking). It is about netball, where tonight we got beaten like a red haired step child. I can take this, as I have played in many a loosing team. However tonight was such a thumping that I am scared that phyches may have been damaged. I might have to bring in a sports psychologist to deal with the repercussions - however not the one who worked with Ian Thorpe cos I dont want anyone to retire!!

Secondly, every year I state to anyone who will listen that my birthday should last for a week. So finally this year Charlie has cracked, and has been doing the 7 days of Ali. Starting on Friday, I have been getting a present and "outing" each day, leading up to my birthday on Thursday. I am hoping this is to become tradidion, and if my powers of persuasion are working better than my netball skills it will! This will be great in years to come as December will be a ripper of a month. The 7 days of Ali (or Alifest 2006 as I like to call it) starts on the 1st of Dec, then you have Christmas and New Years. Gotta love that!!!!