Day 3 - no response from Prenda. Perhaps it was not the smartest move to bag a budding litigator on my website. Hmm.
My little brother has been inspired by the water saving ads, and now refuses to pee in the toilet. Instead he pees in the backyard behind a tree. I am unsure if this is the consumer response the Bracks government was hoping for.
I am currently sitting in my office wearing both a jacket and scarf. My strategy now is to catch pneumonia due to the air conditioning, then sue my work for negligence. This morning when I got into work there was only 1 email waiting for me, and it was a crap one about midgets being eaten by a lion that I got from Thomo like days ago. This is the problem with being at work until 7 the night before - there will be nothing good waiting for your the next day. The other problem being that you have no life. However when you spend 9 to 5 blogging the work builds up.
There is a lot of pressure on this blog at the moment. Although it is only known by a selective few, it has stirred many a pot of shit. I am terrified that Shaz will find out that it exists and we will all be forced to deal with his ADD online as well as in person. I believe Saturday night will be quite the party - I fully expect JL to walk around accusing people of being anonymous. Like Cluedo - "it was you on Wednesday with the wing defense comment".
I plan to bring a hat and a pipe so I can look intellectual whilst claiming that it was Professor Prenda on the couch making the WD comment.
Re: your one email - you should be pleased that you received it from Thommo a week ago. I was not privy to that email. Furthermore, I liked to midget story. It was that or the German porn to start my day with.
There is a theory floating around that anonymous is banner. However it could be anyone - my money is on Jonseey. Its always the ones you least suspect...
I have found something that shits me. People who have mobile phones that dont have lower case, who always appear to be sending angry messages to you. Even an "OK I'LL SEE YOU THERE" leaves you startled and thinking OMG are you going to eat my head off when i get there? disturbing.
And fixtures which are out of date. they also shit me.
Are you talking about me? That was a retorical question cos i know that you were!!!!!! I can't help it if my phone writes in capitals the whole time. AND I DIDN'T GIVE YOU THE WRONG F*ING NETBALL FIXTURE
Hot netball referee - Prenda knows the Monkey's hardline Bush approach of either being with us or against us. Those being against the Monkey's (in this case Prenda for wanting to join the Deacons team) are usually going to be the recipient of needless slander. Fair or not, this is how the cookie usually crumbles.
hot netball referee - I am sure that prenda would love to hook up with you. Especially if you like horses. Prenda loves girls who like horses.
We are more than happy to give Prenda a release to join Slytherin. However hot netball referee if he leaves the Monkeys you wont be able to see him anymore!! Perhaps you need to make your move.
Just to clarify things:
1. I am hardly going to be banner. My comments have been intelligent and insightful.
2. Prenda, you fool nobody.
3. Jane, while the defence for your team is admirable, you could should stick to counting things.
Game on anonymous - you are going down on Saturday night. At least be a big enough person to put your name to your comments. I am not afraid to big out the big guns to track you down (Tim).
It's good to see that you are not afraid to "big" out the big guns on Saturday night.
At least your vain fumbling attempts to track me down will provide some amusement on a night I anticipate as being utterly boring.
I propose that it is no coincidence that both 'Ali' and 'Anonymous' begin with the letter "A". it is obvious for anyone to see that she is using this pseudonym to promote a little controversy and try and hold up the waning interest in her own blog. Shame Shame Shame!!
Although I try to stay an impartial moderator on this online forum (yeah right), anonymous you are starting to piss me off. If the night will be utterly boring it will be because people like you have been invited. Although I am sure that laughing at the Captain of the Love Boat and the rest of the ski club will keep the normal people entertained. I mean they do start their conversations "And once, on ski camp......"
Jonseey I have done nothing but defend you. I even gave you the right time for next weeks games so you wouldn't make the same mistake again. Did anyone else in the team correct your mistake? NO. And what do you do? Turn around and bite the f*ing hand that taught you to play netball. Oh, look Jonseey, somehow it seems like your knife got suck in my back. Oh, its right next to Prenda's one.
I categorically deny that I am being Anonymous in an attempt to stir up a "little controversy and try and hold up the waning interest in her own blog". The waning interest in my blog is of no concern. If you choose not to log on and and read what I think about you - then that is your choice. I purely see this blog as a creative outlet for me to express myself. I blog for the art, not for the response.
Look there she goes - talking to herself..
You are playing with fire here lolly, as you realise that more than half your readers are past committee members of MUSC. you obviously did not learn from the ross booth bagging incident.
ooh judging by that response i think i must've hit pretty close to the mark..
and i did realise that 9.40 was the wrong time, that was a little joke i put in.
At least 3 of my readers were also members of fungus five. Would these be the same ex MUSC committee members?? Hmmm.
I am publicly defending the unnecessary and untruthful slandering of lolly's name. Jonseey - stop living in the past man... MUSC, Ross Booth, last week's netball game. As I often tell Phill, just because you did those things does automatically mean that they were good things to do. I still stand by my RB comments though. He is old. He did sweat and he is publicly gay (not that there is anything wrong with that). I am still surprised to hear that people hang out with him. He is a nice man however, as he gave me a higher mark in Sports Eco than the rest of you and I know nothing about sport! Now Tim is going to email me for the next 5 days and tell me why I am a bad person.
ahah i've figured it out. you guys feel threatened by these 'outsiders' that we hang out with. you so dearly want to spend time with people like banner and myself (as anyone naturally would), that you resent others who take up some of this precious time. so you paint these people to be sweaty, fatty, hairy gay ogres who have slept with shaz to discredit them (admittedly some of these accusations may be true).
well it's not gonna work. i'm going to make a concerted effort to hang out with as many sweaty, fatty, hairy gay people who have slept with shaz just to teach you a lesson. ha i'll show you guys!
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