Lolly Pop

Strangely enough... my life is so boring that I feel I need to share it with everyone else.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

What has happened to me??

Do you ever have one of those weeks where everything seems to go wrong? And you wonder to yourself - "is this all there is"? Welcome to my life. This week has been absolutely crazy, as you can probably tell by my lack of blogging. Lolly Pop has been sitting here all lonely, like a fungus five member on a Saturday night. So in an attemp to make up for the lack of blogs I am going to go back and recreate my week for you.....starting at saturday nights party......

Sat night...... sick in bed, not going to the party. JL calls and informs me that charlie is actually quite worried about his leg. Feel guilty for not giving any sympathy (even tho the night before he chose to go see star wars instead of come and comfort me when sick. i digress). Go to party. See outragous antics of Skid Mark (think blowing chunks in the laundry trough, while dressed like Amanda off Melrose Place) while fat chick in short floral skirt (why is it always the plus size girl in the ra-ra skirt?) holds her head. Snub rubber-neck from banners work. Get confronted by Simone about her abrupt dismissal from netball team. Give prenda some shit. See Katie dancing with Mexican dude. Give Jonseey some shit. See Katie pash Hamish out on the street. Bag Skid Mark with Thomo. Grease off Love Boat Captain - aka Nanks. Check Charlie is ok. Leave party.

Sunday .... played LAX. We lost. I played well - poeple impressed.

Monday.... Work going crazy. Win netball - hang off nets. hit very little people. play centre - happy bout that. may put up future challenge. Hear about Slytherins loss - doubly happy.

Tuesday... work is super busy. leave early to go to training. walking to train when i realise that i left my house key sitting on the kitchen table. call charlie to get his. call banner to get his. meet banner - get key. get on train - train in front breaks down in tunnel. stuck in tunnel for 20 minutes. get home - training already started.

Wednesday... get to work at 7am to finish stuff not done yesterday cos of early cut out for training.

Thursday...sick of work. decide to write on blog instead. Steal free lunch from meeting room before meeting starts. Day is looking up already.


Blogger Lolly said...

You left your own party of your own accord. What did you miss out on - katie and hamish? Skid Mark throwing up on your front yard thingy?

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, by the sound of it I missed a ripper night watching fat people chucking, Katie and Hamish at it again, Simone flirting her booty off, Simone and Thommo talking relationships, Phill getting retarded and a hell of a lot of soccer watching. I will reveal my "have" to person when I successfully accuse anonymous. I do like Banner for anonymous at the moment.

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a whole heap of people whinging about other people having a good time...albeit Skid mark may have enjoyed festivities a little too much.

Maybe you guys could (and I know it's a big stretch for some) just enjoy life for once.

5:28 PM  

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