Lolly Pop

Strangely enough... my life is so boring that I feel I need to share it with everyone else.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Many would say this blog has been too long in coming. I fear that I may have lost my loyal readers due to my lack of correspondence (But on the upside at the least the accusations of netball dictatorship have stopped). A lot has happened since the last blog. Netball grand finals have been won, Slytherin has been disbanded. I still have a 42 year old sister who is better at sport than me, but lets not go into that. Jonseey did not make it to NZ, and has not as yet been cooked and eaten.

I suppose I owe a reason for my lack of blogging. I am sad to say that the best I have is work. I have become yet another drone, wearing my black coat, trudging down Collins St of a morning. However I had an epiphany while on holidays - You need to work to live, not live to work. Therefore the blog has been reinstated - bigger and better than ever!! Remember to log on for my daily rant.

Speaking of which - the following position is currently being advertised at my work. Note the last line.

We are looking for a PA for the Sydney creative department, primarily supporting **** and ****.

If you know anyone who might be qualified and interested in the role, please have them contact *****. We can send a job description if required, but the primary role will be managing calendars, travel for the department, managing creative award entries etc. There will be no need to organize hookers and coke.

Bastards are now making us organise our own. What is this industry coming too??


Blogger Joneseey said...

ahh just when i was running thin on procrastination options the old blog comes to save me. my faith was running thin after the flood of money failed to materialise with the save joneseey extortion.

i just checked and it looks like they've extended the rabbit's deadline.. obviously they had a similar response.

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good to see that things in the world are finally returning to normal. The Monkey's are losing and turning on their own, the Blogg is back full of ranting and that shithouse Slytherin team will soon be no more.

Will be entertained to see how Joneseey is squeezed out in the coming weeks.

4:15 PM  
Blogger Lolly said...

How predictable - anonymous is back trying to stir up trouble. Yawn.

4:34 PM  

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