Lolly Pop

Strangely enough... my life is so boring that I feel I need to share it with everyone else.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Two separate people have mentioned to me today that my blog was more interesting when I was angst-ridden. In order to appease their desire to see me unhappy and cynical once again please see the following

Things I hate today

1) I just had a meeting and actually said “strategically moving forward”.
2) I have another meeting tomorrow morning and will probably say the same stupid phrase.
3) The fact I got back from lunch and there was only 1 email waiting for me – and it was crappy.
4) The fact that I am on a diet and stupidly told the receptionist who now wont let me have any lollies. (I will sneak one on my way home)
5) That bogans like Bec and Leyton will be paid $1 million for just pro-creating. Which bogans shouldn’t do in the first place (my bet is that they name it Shappelle).

Things I like today
1) That in my meeting Yahoo gave me a present.
2) That I have lost 1.3 kilos!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Three weeks ago I went on a diet. To date I have lost basically nothing. So I have been avoiding chocolate, coke and anything with any taste for no good reason. AND YES, I exercise. Get off my back, I’m not even fat yet – this is a pre-emptive diet. As of tomorrow I will be going on the CSIRO diet. And if it doesn’t work those nerds at CSIRO will be hearing from me.

Do you think that when I die people will find this blog and see it as a chronicle of my decent into madness?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Lovely poeple

I wish that I was the kind of person who didn’t have to make resolutions to be nicer to people. I wonder what it would be like to be one of those people that everyone (EVERYONE in the WORLD) agrees is just a lovely, wonderful person. You know who I am talking about – everybody knows one of them. And they all know each other – they go to the annual wonderful, lovely, awesome person conference. Not to be confused with the angry, critical and disillusioned persons conference, which is held at my house weekly.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I actually got to see a bit of the march on Tuesday here in Melbourne. Although I had no desire to join the march, I was very impressed by the fact that so many people were passionate enough about the issue to march. Although I did try to stage a walk out at Patts (unsuccessfully I might add – the rest of the troops wouldn’t follow me. Perhaps I don’t have leadership qualities?!? Hmm… I’ll leave that reflection for another blog). But I felt some kind of admiration for these people who would risk getting fined or reprimanded at work to march for something they believe in.

And then I heard that the teachers were also taking the day off, and I could only snoan (mix between a snort and a groan). Having come through the horrendous public school system I am well aware of the way teachers will march at the drop of a hat. Or because someone took away the Nice biscuits in the staff room. No wonder there was as many girls in my year 12 class who were pregnant as there was that got into university (6).

Alison...I know this world is killing you....

Is it narcissistic that my favourite song at the moment is “Alison”?

Is that even how you spell narcissistic?

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I really am a nerd

Check this out - 10 Web moments that changed the world.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I am a little concerned about what will be on this blog once I change jobs. Most of my anger seems to come from my place of work. However if I become happy at the new place I might not have enough material to fill these pages. The web isn't a place for happy people, its for angry frustrated and lonely people. This is very concerning. At least I will still be catching the bus, and that's always good for a rant or two...