Things that have annoyed me today
......and some things that annoyed me yesterday
1) Work - the whole concept
2) The fat chick on with the fitness first backpack on my bus. She obviously needs to spend more time there, and less pushing her fat butt in front of me to get on the bus.
3) Cafe people - you are NOT cool just cos you are having a decaf soy chai latte at Postal Hall.
4) People who say "that looks yum" while plaintively looking at the food I am eating.
5) Bike riders on the roads - if you want the same space as a car, go as fast as a car. If not, get back on the footpath
6) The fact I drive a 1989 Ford Laser with no powerstearing
7) Random people who have accessed my blog and left comments purely to pump their own websites. Damn Spammers!
8) The fact it is more expensive to eat healthy that to eat at McDonalds everyday.
9) That my blog has attracted no sponsorship dollars. Perhaps I should write something a little more mainstream...
10) The fact that I have been surly for the past two days and it is only making people at work be nicer to me which is pissing me off even more.